We are delighted to invite you to a Practice Retreat of Pranayama with Zoltan Cser on the 31st of May to 3rd of June.
The main focus will be on Harmonious breathing and developing Kumbhaka for Tsa Lung practices. We will get explanations according to Yantra book of how these practices effect the different kinds of Pranas that flow through the channels and how this effects our body and mind. We will work with the Pranas and the channels (tsa, lung, thigle), doing pranayamas The Four Characteristic Conditions, The Four Profound Applications, and The Secret Breathing for directing Prana into the Central chanel, practicing the three preliminaries: Loosening the joints, Purifying the Prana, Controlling the Channels.

Zoltan’s BIO:
Zoltan “Zoli” Czer lives in Hungary, works as a director in the Dharmagate Buddhist College in Budapest.
He started practicing Chan in 1986, met Chogyal Namkhai Norbu in 2002 and has been the member of the International Dzogchen Community since 2004. Since 2013 he is the 2nd level Vajra Dance instructor, since 2015 – SMS Base instructor and since 2016 – 2nd level Yantra Yoga instructor.
Friday 31 May
9.00 Yantra Yoga
10.00 – 13.00
15.00 – 18.00
Saturday 1 June
9.00 Yantra Yoga
10.00 – 13.00
15.00 – 18.00
Sunday 2 June
9.00 Yantra Yoga
10.00 – 13.00
|Sunday 2 June afternoon public talk, presentation YY & VD|
Monday 3 June
9.00 Yantra Yoga
10.00 – 13.00
15.00 – 18.00
Location: Rangdrolling (Overbrakerpad 2, 1014 AZ Amsterdam)
Registration via email: info@rangdrolling.nl
IBAN: NL72INGB0006065880 with mention Pranayama Retreat
Price: sustaining € 95.- ; ordinary € 130.-
Early bird price: sustaining € 80.- ; ordinary € 110.- (before 1st of May)
*in case of financial toubles please contact info@rangdrolling.nl
*Public talk is not a part of the retreat program. It will be a part of theheld in the “Centrum voor happiness” (HW10),