Tag Archives: chögyal namkhai norbu

Vajra Dance of the Song of the Vajra Weekend July 12-14

With great pleasure we invite you to a Vajra Dance weekend in Amsterdam, organized by Rangdrolling, with second level Vajra Dance instructor Robert Czabanski, July 12th-14th 2024.

This weekend we will focus on learning, refreshing, dancing and celebrating

The Vajra Dance of the Song of the Vajra

If you would like to learn the Vajra Dance of the Song of the Vajra, but are not yet working with Transmission from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu or Yeshi Silvano Namkhai, please contact us.
For learning this Dance, Transmission is a requirement.

About the Instructor

Robert Czabanski was born in 1972 in Tychy (Poland). Teacher and researcher in computational intelligence. He has been following Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Dzogchen teachings since 2005. He was qualified for the first and the second level of the Vajra Dance Instructor in 2012 and 2015 respectively.

This weekend is dedicated to Stoffie, our teacher and friend.

Dates and Times

Friday July 12: 14:00 – 17:30
Saturday July 13: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday July 14: 10:00 – 17:00


Broedplaats HW10 – Studio 14
Hendrik van Wijnstraat 10

Find us on google maps here


The weekend is donation based.

Suggested donation:
120 Euro for the whole weekend.
30 Euro per session.

All participants will be asked to donate. Please donate according to your possibilities. But financial challenges should not be the reason not to join.

Please register and let us know that you’re joining!

Registration and questions via our contact page.

Yantra Yoga Fall Continuation

Based on the stable interest in public Yantra Yoga classes even during these Summer months, July and August, we continue public YY classes in September and October! Huray!!

Everybody’s welcome!
Yantra Yoga classes are open for people of any skills level and age.

The classes will take place on Sunday at 16:00 till 17:20.

Adress of the yoga studio:
Svaha Yoga – Downtown Studio
Begijnensteeg 1
1012 PN Amsterdam

-Dzogchen community members EUR 5,-
-non-members EUR 9,-

Some basic info can be found here: yantrayoga-amsterdam.tilda.ws
For contact please use yantrayoga@dzogchen.nl

E-mail: yantrayoga@dzogchen.nl
Phone: +31 (0) 633 17 95 32

July, 20-21| Purification of Six Loka | Weekend retreat with Jakob Winkler

We are delighted to invite you to a Practice Weekend Retreat “Purification of Six Loka – Working with our emotions from a Dzogchen perspective” with Jakob Winkler on the 20-21th of July!

One of the main preliminary practice for entering the path of Dzogchen Upadesha for dealing with our passions is the purification of the Six Loka, the inner separation (rushen) of Samsara & Nirvana.

Through the power of the three Vajras combined with visualization, mantra and contemplation we purify the karmic seeds which create the samsaric suffering and hinder our recognition of the primordial enlightened state.

This practice is easy to apply and very suitable for practicing it together. We going to study the background of it and learn different ways of applying it.

Chögyal Namkhai Norbu writes in „The Precious Vase“

“The separation of Samsara and Nirvana.

Being conditioned by the delusive appearances of the mind and by thoughts without having any control over them constitutes the karmic vision of samsara. Abiding in the state of pure instant presence or Rigpa constitutes nirvana. Consequently, the purpose of these two special methods of separation, in their turn subdivided in outer, inner and secret separation, is to enable the practitioner to distinguish or separate the state of the mind that is the source of samsara from the state of Rigpa that is the root of liberation of nirvana.”

Jakob Winkler’s BIO:

Jakob Winkler studies and practices Tibetan Buddhism since the mid-eighties. He met Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in 1989. In 2002 he was authorized by him to teach the study and practice program of the base of „Santi Maha Sangha“ and in 2008 the 1st level. Jakob holds an MA in Tibetology, Indian art history and social anthropology, which he studied in Munich – his hometown – and Vienna. He works mainly as an author, editor and proofreader for Buddhist publications, instructor for Santi Maha Sangha and acts as interpreter for Buddhist teachings. Today he lives in Bonn, Germany.

Saturday, 20 July

10.00 – 13.00
15.00 -18.00

Sunday, 21 July

10.00 – 13.00
15.00 -17.00

Location: Rangdrolling (Overbrakerpad 2, 1014 AZ Amsterdam)
Registration via email: info@rangdrolling.nl
IBAN: NL72INGB0006065880 with mention 6 loka Retreat
Price: sustaining € 50.-  ; ordinary € 80.-
*in case of financial toubles please contact  info@rangdrolling.nl

Master Namkhai Norbu Awarded the Honor of Commander

Master Namkhai Norbu Receives the Honor of Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic.

On 10 September 2018, in the Arcidosso Town Hall, the Prefect of Grosseto, Cinzia Teresa Torraco, conferred the honor of ‘Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic’ on Prof. Namkhai Norbu, for having dedicated his life to activities that have brought benefits to the community and the nation.

In thanking Master Namkhai Norbu, who inspires an exemplary model of life and represents for all a living testimony of the highest human values, both ethical and cultural, the Prefect recalled the importance of honoring charismatic figures such as his, capable of inspiring virtuous actions and behavior with the strength of their example and with the values ​​of an authentic testimony expressed by life choices fully coherent with the thoughts of a noble and elevated nature.

During the ceremony the Prefect underlined the fact that in view of the very high profile of his personality, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers had decided to directly confer recognition of the honorary title ‘Commander’, the highest honorary award of the Italian Republic.

The ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Arcidosso, Jacopo Marini, and the President of the Regional Council, Eugenio Giani, in addition to the territorial authorities, the Mayor of Castel del Piano, Claudio Franci, the Mayor of Santa Fiora, Federico Balocchi, and the Prefect, Marco Valentini, director of the legislative affairs office and parliamentary reports of the Ministry of the Interior.

Prefect Cinzia Torraco, expressing her confidence that Master Namkhai Norbu’s message of peace and brotherhood would be auspicious for different and better future prospects with the hope of continuing his teaching activity, conferred on Master Namkhai Norbu the honor:

master namkhai norbu commander

The President of the Republic

in consideration of particular merits on the proposal of the President of the Council of Ministers, after hearing the Council of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic on 2 June 2018, confers the honor of Commander on Master Norbu Namkhai with the right to wear the related insignia.

Signed: Mattarella

At the end of the ceremony the Mayor of Arcidosso presented a banner to the Master to recall the importance of the Community of Merigar for the territory, while the President of the Council of Tuscany presented a second banner from the Amiata Municipalities. and reaffirmed the value of the honor of Commander from the President of the Republic in recognizing the spiritual and human values that Master Namkhai Norbu has brought to Amiata, recalling the strong spiritual energy of the territory.

Vajra Dance of the Song of the Vajra Weekend

August 31, September 1&2 in Amsterdam with Stoffelina Verdonk

Rangdrolling Amsterdam is exited to announce the next Vajra Dance of The Song of the Vajra weekend in our series, specially suitable for refreshing and learning this Dance. It is the third weekend and we are starting the second half of the Dance. We will repeat what we have learned before and start from Sambharatha on.

A special element of this course is its focus on learning the correct rhythm and way of singing of the Song of the Vajra. Those who are not learning the Dance now, are welcome to join and learn!

About this course Stoffelina writes:
In this course the new Pamo are learning the steps, while the Pawo or others who are present, sing the natural sound of the Song of the Vajra. They can experience how to be present in the correct timing with the syllables and melody, while they sing. Then the new Pawo start learning the steps and the Pamo sing etc.

All sounds of The Song of the Vajra present a source for contemplation. We learn how to sing perfect way in timing, offering our presence, dancers and singers, relaxing in contemplation All together.

It is a perfect practice, also a Semdzin, in which we can discover how this singing and dancing is influencing our dance, our own dance, but also the dance in harmony of Pamo and Pawo present on the mandala.

Knowing the precise timing and way of singing is presented since long time by Rinpoche, also by Adriano Clemente. In Vajra Dance, especially for those who know longer the dance, timing is important. This is a very joyful way to dance AND sing together.

All Be most welcome!!!

About Stoffelina Verdonk 
Stoffelina is a certified performer and teacher of modern dance. She met Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in 1986. Since then she practices his teaching and collaborates within the Dzogchen Community. She became a second level Vajra Dance instructor in 1993, travelling to teach and practice Vajra Dance in and outside the International Dzogchen Community; and she is a very inspiring and experienced Vajra Dance teacher. In 2015 she was authorised as Santi Maha Sangha and Khaita instructor by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu.
For a fuller biography see: http://vajradance.net/stoffelinaverdonk/

Place and Time
Location: Studio 14, Broedplaats HW10
Address: Hendrik van Wijnstraat 10, Amsterdam.

Time Schedule (provisional):
Friday August 31: 13:30 – 17:00 and 19:00 – 21:00
Saturday September 1: 10:00 – 13:00 and 15:00 – 18:00
Sunday September 2: 10:00 – 13:00 and 15:00 – 17:00 (practice only)

Requested donation for the whole weekend is 100 euro.
If you have financial limitations, this should not be a reason not to participate. Please contact us in this case.

Payment details:
Paypal: info@dzogchen.nl

Account number IBAN: NL72 INGB 0006 0658 80
In name of: Int. Dzogchen Gemeenschap van Rangdrolling
Reference message: Vajra Dance Weekend

If you have any questions and/or want to register, please contact us on info@dzogchen.nl

Hope to see you on the Mandala!

Rangdrolling Vajra Dance Team

Dzogchen Guru yoga Transmission July, 22nd (July, 15th explanation)

For all interested to practicing Dzogchen Teaching we organize an explanation session of the coming World Wide Transmission from an eminent Dzogchen Master Chögyal Namkhai Norbu.
The starting point for the practice of Dzogchen is to receive a ‘Direct Transmission’ from the teacher. This ‘Direct Transmission’ is the means by which the teacher introduces us directly to the true nature of our mind: our primordial state or ‘rigpa’ (in Tibetan).
On three occasions each year, corresponding to particular anniversaries in the Dzogchen calendar, Chögyal Namkhai Norbu gives the direct transmission of Guru Yoga necessary for starting to practice. The World Wide Transmissions are broadcast as live webcasts, this time it will be on the 22nd, July at 5:00.
In order to be ready for the Transmission we are giving explanations for newcomers, what is it and what should one expect, a week before, on the 15th of July at 14:00 at Rangdrolling.
Newcomers who want to participate at a World Wide Transmission (WWT) should be interested in the Dzogchen Teachings.
Please come if you are. You don’t need to bring anything.

Uitleg WWT Guruyoga in Rangdrolling

See you!

Chöd retreat July 27-31 with Steven Landsberg

This retreat  will primarily focus on the  practise of Chöd.  We will practise the melodies, the use of the ritual instruments and do a word by word explanation of the textual material according to Chogyal Namkhai Norbu’s arrangement of the practise.  During the course there will also be explanations of some of the principle points regarding  view, meditation, and conduct.


Location: Rangdrolling (Overbrakerpad 2, 1014 AZ Amsterdam)
Registration via email: info@rangdrolling.nl
IBAN: NL72INGB0006065880 with mention Chod Retreat
Price: sustaining € 100.-  ; ordinary € 140.-
Early bird price: sustaining € 70.-  ; ordinary € 120.- (before June, 30th)

Fri, 27  19:00-21:00
Introduction Session
Sat, 28  10:00-12:00 and 15:00-17:00
Sun, 29  10:00-12:00 and 15:00-17:00
Mon, 30  10:00-12:00 and 15:00-17:00
Tue, 31  10:00-12:00 and 15:00-17:00

Steven’s BIO:

Steven Landsberg began studying Tibetan Buddhism in 1967 whilst he was living in India.  He also  spent two years studying Sanskrit and Tibetan and many years doing preliminary practices.

In 1982, he attended his first retreat with Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche and began practising under his guidance.  After having  studied and practised  the Base Level, he passed the exam in 1996. He has  continued to pursue his study and practise of SMS since that time and was authorized by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche to teach  in August 2010.  Since then, he has been giving  courses on various aspects of the SMS base level as well as public courses on mindfulness and the application of presence and how these skills can be generally useful.

If you have any questions: contact us!

Gakyil of Rangdrolling

Song of the Vajra Dance Weekend 8-10 June with Stoffelina Verdonk

Rangdrolling is very happy to announce a Vajra Dance of the Song of the Vajra weekend with Stoffelina Verdonk, June 8 till 10 in Amsterdam.

This weekend is specially suitable for refreshing and learning this Dance. It is part two of our multi-part course. In the previous weekend we learned the vajra dance of the 4 contemplation and of the 4 Da (until Vaitana). This weekend we will repeat and continue the ajra dance of the 4 visions and of conduct (from Parali on).

A special element of this course is that it also focusses on learning the correct rhythm and way of singing of the Song of the Vajra. Even those who are not learning the Dance now, are welcome to join and learn! 

About this course Stoffelina writes:

In this course the new Pamo are learning the steps, while the Pawo or others who are present, singing the natural sound of the  Song of the Vajra.  They can experience how to be present in the correct timing with the syllables and melody, while they sing.

All sounds of The Song of the Vajra present a source for contemplation. We learn how to sing perfect way in timing, offering our presence, dancers and singers,  relaxing in contemplation All together.

It is a perfect practice, also a Semdzin, in which we can discover how this singing and dancing is influencing our dance, our own dance, but also the dance in harmony of Pamo and Pawo present on the mandala. 

Knowing the precise timing and way of singing is presented since long time by Rinpoche, also by Adriano Clemente. In Vajra Dance, especially for those who know longer the dance, timing is important. This is a very joyful way to dance AND sing together. 

All Be most welcome!!!

About Stoffelina Verdonk 

Stoffelina is a certified performer and teacher of modern dance. She met Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in 1986. Since then she practices his teaching and collaborates within the Dzogchen Community. She became a second level Vajra Dance instructor in 1993, travelling to teach and practice Vajra Dance in and outside the International Dzogchen Community; and she is a very inspiring and experienced Vajra Dance teacher. In 2015 she was authorised as Santi Maha Sangha and Khaita instructor by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu.

For a fuller biography see: http://vajradance.net/stoffelina-verdonk/

Place and Time

Location: Studio 14, Broedplaats HW10

Address: Hendrik van Wijnstraat 10, Amsterdam.

Time Schedule (provisional):

Friday June 8: 14:00 – 17:30

Saturday June 9 and Sunday June 10: 10:00 – 17:30  with lunch break (about 2 hours)

Requested donation for the whole weekend is 100 euro.

If you have financial limitations, this shouldn’t be a reason not to participate. Please contact us in this case.

Payment details:
Paypall: info@dzogchen.nl

Account number IBAN: NL72 INGB 0006 0658 80
In name of: Stichting Dzogchen
Reference message: Vajra Dance Weekend June 2018

If you have any questions and/or want to register, please contact us on info@dzogchen.nl

Hope to see you on the Mandala!

Gakyil of Rangdrolling

Open Yantra Yoga Course Spring 2018


Registration Yantra Yoga Open Course – Deadline 4th May

This is an Introduction Course to Yantra Yoga with Marc van Westreenen, organized specially for newcomers and beginners

One of the most ancient recorded systems of yoga in the world, Yantra Yoga was
first taught in Tibet in the eighth century. It has been preserved in its unadulterated form to this day, and as an excellent method for attaining optimal health andrelaxation is just as relevant for the contemporary world. Emphasizing the coordination of breath and movement, Yantra Yoga helps us learn meditation through experience.

Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, an eminent Tibetan scholar and Dzogchen master, first began to teach Yantra Yoga to Western students in the early 1970s. Courses are now taught all over the world by a growing number of instructors accredited in a rigorous training and examination process supervised by the two main instructors
appointed by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, Fabio Andrico and Laura Evangelisti.


Friday, 25 May 1 session 20:00-22:00
Saturday, 26 May 2 sessions 10.00- 12.30 & 15.00 – 17.30


Friday, 8 June 1 session 20:00-22:00
Saturday, 9 June 2 sessions 10.00- 12.30 & 15.00 – 17.30

This course consists of two weekends and it covers the preliminary practices of Yantra Yoga. You will learn:

· Basic warm-up exercises

· Nine purification breathings – is a pranayama used for exhaling the stale air at the beginning of our practise , it also trains for complete breathing.

· Tsigjong. In Tsigjong we work with the joints and the sense doors. It is made up of 5 movements combined with rapid breathing.

· Lungsang. Main part of the course is a set of 8 exercises called Lungsang, or purifying the prana. Each movement teaches a different way of breathing or retention of the breath. By learning Lungsang we are introduced to one of the main characteristics of Yantra Yoga: The breathing guides the movement, and the movements shape the breathing.

· Tsandul. Last part of the preliminaries practices is Tsandul.
Tsandul has two parts, a pranayama and 5 movements. These exercises prepare and train the channels for more advanced Yantra’s and breath-work.

If you are interested to learn more about Yantra Yoga then it is the best to follow both weekends. Then you will receive the complete preliminaries and you have a base for deepening your practise.

*This is a rare oportunity to learn Tibetian Yoga of movement. There probably won’t be organised other beginner’s courses any soon (by us).

Location: Veemarkt 151, 1019 CC Amsterdam
Price: Course (2 weekends – 6 sessions) – 100 euro
1st weekend (3 sessoons) – 65 euro with a possibility to join 2nd weekend for 45 euros
Deadline: 1st May
Registration: info@rangdrolling.nl

For general information about Yantra yoga: http://www.yantrayoga.net/

Yantra Yoga helps coordinate body, energy, and mind while making us more
balanced and free from tension. When we have a more relaxed mind, it is possible to
have a better, more harmonious, and healthy life.
– Chogyal Namkhai Norbu

If you have any questions or you know that you are going to join the course for sure, please let us know: contact us!

Gakyil of Rangdrolling

UPDATED | 7th Lojong Retreat May 10-13 with Zoltan Cser

The 7th Lojong involves training in the state beyond thought by means of pleasure and emptiness, training in the state beyond thought by means of clarity and emptiness, and training in the ultimate nature of phenomena completely beyond thought. Zoli would like to give an experimental retreat, where we are focusing to the practice. The 7th Lojong is the supreme method in order to start on the path of contemplation, with this practices we can gain experience about a pure instant presence, beyond mind. . Tummo means inner heat, and also related with a method of 7th Lojong. With Tummo we can find meditative stability through joy and emptiness, so this is a very important practice. Beside sitting we will do different practices, breathing, doing Yantra Yoga, and dance of the 12 A .

May, 10
10.00 – 13.00
15.00 – 18.00

18:30 Chöd (Everybody is welcome!)

May, 11
10.00 – 13.00
15.00 – 18.00

18:30 Chöd (Everybody is welcome!)

May, 12
10.00 – 13.00
15.00 – 18.00

18:30 Chöd (Everybody is welcome!)

May, 13
10.00 – 13.00
15.00 – 18.00

After retreat time we finish with Chöd, so the ones who can’t participate can come and join Chöd practice with everybody. Please come!

Location: Rangdrolling (Overbrakerpad 2, 1014 AZ Amsterdam)
Registration via email: info@rangdrolling.nl
IBAN: NL72INGB0006065880 with mention 7th Lojong Retreat
Price: sustaining € 85.-  ; ordinary € 130.-
Early bird price: sustaining € 55.-  ; ordinary € 110.- (before 25th April)

Zoltan’s BIO:

Zoltan “Zoli” Cser comes from Hungary, he was working as a vicerector at the Dharmagate Buddhist College in Budapest, now he is director.

He started to practice Buddhism in 1986 in a Chan lineage, he met our Master Chögyal Namkhai Norbu first time in 2002.

Zoli is the member of the International Dzogchen Community continously from 2004. In 2013 he became second level Vajradance instructor, in 2015 SMS Base instructor  and in 2016 Yantra Yoga second level instructor.

If you have any questions: contact us!

Gakyil of Rangdrolling