The four Chogshags, or four ways of leaving things in peace, as they are, are an essential part of the Dzogchen Upadesha Teachings. They are the main aspects of not-doing while remaining in Rigpa. However, our condition is not only emptiness, but is also uninterrupted manifestation, and our propensities make the manifestation of thoughts turn into going astray from Rigpa and into delusion. So it is most important in the practice of Dzogchen to know how to return to the condition of Chogshag when we stray from it.
About the instructor:
Elías Capriles is a Santi Maha Sangha Teacher appointed by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, whom he met in 1978 in Boudhanath. He practiced Dzogchen in successive strict 3 months retreats on the Himalayas between 1977 and the end of 1982, after receiving Trekchö (Khregs chod) instructions from H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche and Dungse Thinle Norbu Rinpoche. He also received teachings and transmissions from H.H. Dilgo Khyentse, Dodrub Chen Rinpoche, Chatral Rinpoche and Pema Norbu Rinpoche.
He has had twenty books published, as well as five Internet books, over forty academic papers and twelve book chapters, dealing with Dzogchen and Tibetan Buddhism, transpersonal psychologyand Buddhist philosophy.
He is retired from the Chair of Eastern Studies and the Center for Studies on Africa and Asia the University of The Andes, Mérida, Venezuela, where he taught Philosophy, Buddhism, Asian Religions, Globalization and Asian Aesthetics and Arts.
He has offered conferences in many Universities across the Americas, Europe and Asia, and has also led workshops and courses in many countries.
He managed “spiritual emergency refuges” where “psychotics” would go through the natural self-healing process in which they unwillingly embarked, and has been an ecological activist. He is a member of the Board of the International Transpersonal Association.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands and online on Zoom
Specific addresses and links will be shared with the registered participants.
The Schedule (CET):
Thursday, September 5th
19:00 – 21:00
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, September 6-8
10:00-13:00 & 15:00-18:00
Donation (suggested):
120 Euro for the whole retreat
50 Euro per day
The retreat is organized based on the principle of generosity and each of the participants can donate according to their circumstances. Your support allows the Dzogchen Community to continue thriving and functioning.
You are welcome to donate more since this will allow those who find themselves in financially challenging circumstances to be able to follow the teachings.
Financial difficulties should not be an obstacle to join, if you need another financial arrangement please let the Project Coordinator know info@rangdrolling.nl
You can donate for this event even if you don’t participate since supporting such events is a highly meritorious activity.
Bank details:
IBAN: NL72 INGB 0006 0658 80
In the name of: Int. Dzogchen Community of Rangdrolling
With mention: Elias Capriles, September 2024
(If you can, please use our bank account to avoid the high commission paypal takes)PayPal: info@dzogchen.nl
With mention: Elias Capriles, September 2024
Please Register here: Registration Form
If you have any questions, e-mail Rangdrolling Amsterdam info@dzogchen.nl.