The four Chogshags, or four ways of leaving things in peace, as they are, are an essential part of the Dzogchen Upadesha Teachings. They are the main aspects of not-doing while remaining in Rigpa. However, our condition is not only emptiness, but is also uninterrupted manifestation, and our propensities make the manifestation of thoughts turn into going astray from Rigpa and into delusion. So it is most important in the practice of Dzogchen to know how to return to the condition of Chogshag when we stray from it.
About the instructor:
Elías Capriles is a Santi Maha Sangha Teacher appointed by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, whom he met in 1978 in Boudhanath. He practiced Dzogchen in successive strict 3 months retreats on the Himalayas between 1977 and the end of 1982, after receiving Trekchö (Khregs chod) instructions from H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche and Dungse Thinle Norbu Rinpoche. He also received teachings and transmissions from H.H. Dilgo Khyentse, Dodrub Chen Rinpoche, Chatral Rinpoche and Pema Norbu Rinpoche.
He has had twenty books published, as well as five Internet books, over forty academic papers and twelve book chapters, dealing with Dzogchen and Tibetan Buddhism, transpersonal psychologyand Buddhist philosophy.
He is retired from the Chair of Eastern Studies and the Center for Studies on Africa and Asia the University of The Andes, Mérida, Venezuela, where he taught Philosophy, Buddhism, Asian Religions, Globalization and Asian Aesthetics and Arts.
He has offered conferences in many Universities across the Americas, Europe and Asia, and has also led workshops and courses in many countries.
He managed “spiritual emergency refuges” where “psychotics” would go through the natural self-healing process in which they unwillingly embarked, and has been an ecological activist. He is a member of the Board of the International Transpersonal Association.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands and online on Zoom Specific addresses and links will be shared with the registered participants.
The Schedule (CET):
Thursday, September 5th 19:00 – 21:00 Friday, Saturday and Sunday, September 6-8 10:00-13:00 & 15:00-18:00
Donation (suggested):
120 Euro for the whole retreat 50 Euro per day
The retreat is organized based on the principle of generosity and each of the participants can donate according to their circumstances. Your support allows the Dzogchen Community to continue thriving and functioning.
You are welcome to donate more since this will allow those who find themselves in financially challenging circumstances to be able to follow the teachings.
Financial difficulties should not be an obstacle to join, if you need another financial arrangement please let the Project Coordinator know
You can donate for this event even if you don’t participate since supporting such events is a highly meritorious activity.
Bank details:
IBAN: NL72 INGB 0006 0658 80 BIC: INGBNL2A In the name of: Int. Dzogchen Community of Rangdrolling With mention: Elias Capriles, September 2024
(If you can, please use our bank account to avoid the high commission paypal takes)PayPal: With mention: Elias Capriles, September 2024
With great pleasure we invite you to a Vajra Dance weekend in Amsterdam, organized by Rangdrolling, with second level Vajra Dance instructor Robert Czabanski, July 12th-14th 2024.
This weekend we will focus on learning, refreshing, dancing and celebrating
The Vajra Dance of the Song of the Vajra
If you would like to learn the Vajra Dance of the Song of the Vajra, but are not yet working with Transmission from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu or Yeshi Silvano Namkhai, please contact us. For learning this Dance, Transmission is a requirement.
About the Instructor
Robert Czabanski was born in 1972 in Tychy (Poland). Teacher and researcher in computational intelligence. He has been following Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Dzogchen teachings since 2005. He was qualified for the first and the second level of the Vajra Dance Instructor in 2012 and 2015 respectively.
This weekend is dedicated to Stoffie, our teacher and friend.
Dates and Times
Friday July 12: 14:00 – 17:30 Saturday July 13: 10:00 – 17:00 Sunday July 14: 10:00 – 17:00
Broedplaats HW10 – Studio 14 Hendrik van Wijnstraat 10 Amsterdam
Suggested donation: 120 Euro for the whole weekend. 30 Euro per session.
All participants will be asked to donate. Please donate according to your possibilities. But financial challenges should not be the reason not to join.
Please register and let us know that you’re joining!
Dear Dancers, With joy we invite you to a Vajra Dance & Contemplation Weekend in Amsterdam, February 2 till 4, organized by Rangdrolling, with Natalia Gershevskaya and Maarten Schoon.
In this weekend we will practice Vajra Dance thuns and sitting contemplation practices such as Guruyoga and Semdzins, focusing on integrating with sound. We will also refresh and then practice one thun of the Expanded or Irregular Vajra Dance of the Three Vajras.
If you would like to learn the Vajra Dance, but are not yet working with Transmission from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu and Yeshi Silvano Namkhai, please contact us.
Song of the Vajra by Giorgio Dallorto
Dates and Times Friday February 2: 14:00 – 17:30 Saturday February 3: 10:00 – 17:00 (2 sessions and lunch break) Sunday February 4: 10:00 – 17:00 (2 sessions and lunch break)
Costs The weekend is donation based. All participants will be asked to donate. Please donate according to your possibilities. Your participation is more important to us than the amount that you donate.
Suggested donation: 80 Euro for the whole weekend 20 Euro per session
Please register to let us know how many dancers are joining!
With joy we invite you to a Vajra Dance weekend in Amsterdam, organized by Rangdrolling, with Natalia Gershevskaya and Maarten Schoon.
We will refresh our knowledge of The Vajra Dance That Benefits Beings. This is an opportunity to start to learn this Dance.
Over the weekend we will focus on the practice of Vajra Dance and sitting practice of Green Tara, dancing the Song of the Vajra.
If you would like to learn the Vajra Dance, but are not yet working with Transmission from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu or Yeshi Silvano Namkhai, please contact us.
Dates and Times
Friday September 1: 15:00 – 19:00 Saturday September 2: 10:00 – 17:00 (2 sessions plus lunch break) Sunday September 3: 10:00 – 17:00 (2 sessions plus lunch break)
Broedplaats HW10 – Studio 14 Hendrik van Wijnstraat 10 Amsterdam
The weekend is donation based. All participants will be asked to donate. Please donate according to your possibilities. Your participation is more important to us than the amount that you donate.
Suggested donation: 80 Euro for the whole weekend 20 Euro per session
It is possible to donate with a bank transfer or cash during the weekend.
Please register to let us know how many dancers are joining!
We are happy to announce this course in Rangdrolling Amsterdam with instructions on the practice of Dzogchen, and overcoming obstacles and distracting states that arise during the practice of contemplation.
There are a few updates!
The course will start on Wednesday evening August 24th, 2022, 19:00, with an open lecture introducing Dzogchen and the course; and continue till Sunday August 28th. For the time schedule see below.
Suggested donations are listed below. If you only attend the Wednesday evening you can donate any amount you feel is appropriate. Thank you!
In the course Elías Capriles will present his book: The Source of Danger is Fear: Paradoxes from the realm of delusion and instructions on the practice of the Dzogchen Upadeshavarga.
The book was written after a retreat period of Dzogchen Practice based on the instructions given mainly by Dungse Thinle Norbu Rinpoche and later also by H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche.
In this book Elías gives advice on how, through the practice of Dzogchen contemplation, we can release the knots in which we tie ourselves, states in which relaxation and presence are hindered.
Update: We re-printed the book. Elías has updated it and it has been prepared for printing. The books have arrived and they are beautiful! You can buy it during the course and we will also send it to your address in Europe. Note that following at least one of the courses is required for buying the book.
We will practice Semdzins and Rushens together during the course.
At the bottom of this page, you can find much more information about the book, and an extended biography of Elías Capriles.
This course is meant for people who have received Dzogchen Transmission from a qualified Dzogchen teacher, or who have a serious intention to receive Dzogchen Transmission from one.
You can attend the course live or via zoom.
This course is presented in collaboration with Dargyäling Cologne, who will host a companion course from August 18th till August 21th, 2022. Please send an e-mail to to receive information on the course in Cologne.
Dates and Times (small changes in the time schedule are possible, they will be updated here) Times are in Central European Summer Time, UTC+2:00 (Amsterdam, Paris, Rome). Wednesday evening August 24 2022, 19:00 till 20:30 with space for questions afterwards, Update: The Wednesday evening session will be an open lecture introducing Dzogchen and this course, for the general public. Thursday August 25 till Sunday August 28 2022, 10:30-12:30 and 15:00 till 17:00.
The course will also be broadcast via zoom. Please register to receive the link.
ContributionFees (note: these are suggested donations, see below)
If you only attend the Wednesday evening, you can donate any amount you find appropriate. The below amounts are for the whole course.
Non-member of the International Dzogchen Community: 150€ Meritorious member of the International Dzogchen Community: 50€ Sustaining member of the International Dzogchen Community: 90€ Ordinary member of the International Dzogchen Community: 120€
Daily ContributionFees
Price for 1 day
Price for 2 days
Note, the above contributions are recommended donations. If you can, you are encouraged to donate more. Donating for teaching is a very meritorious action. However if you cannot afford these amounts due to financial limitations or difficulties, a discount is always possible. Please contact us and we will look at this together with you.
Payment Bank details: IBAN: NL72 INGB 0006 0658 80 BIC: INGBNL2A In name of: Int. Dzogchen Community of Rangdrolling With mention: Elías Capriles Course 2022
PayPal: With mention: Elías Capriles Course 2022
If you have any questions, e-mail Rangdrolling Amsterdam . May it benefit all!
Biography of Elías Capriles
Elías Capriles is a Santi Maha Sangha Teacher appointed by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, whom he met in 1978 in Boudhanath. He practiced Dzogchen in successive strict 3 months retreats on the Himalayas between 1977 and the end of 1982, after receiving Trekchö (Khregs chod) instructions from H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche and Dungse Thinle Norbu Rinpoche. He also received teachings and transmissions from H.H. Dilgo Khyentse, Dodrub Chen Rinpoche, Chatral Rinpoche and Pema Norbu Rinpoche. As a whole, he has had twenty books published, as well as five Internet books, over forty academic papers and twelve book chapters, dealing with Dzogchen and Tibetan Buddhism; transpersonal psychology; ontology; philosophy of history; aesthetics; political philosophy; epistemology; sociology; axiology, etc. Various of these are on Buddhism and Dzogchen (including a poetry work) and Buddhist philosophy (it is relevant to mention an as yet unachieved work called Buddhism and Dzogchen — Vol. I: Buddhism that is freely available on the Web). He is retired from the Chair of Eastern Studies and the Center for Studies on Africa and Asia the University of The Andes, Mérida, Venezuela, where he taught Philosophy, Buddhism, Asian Religions, Globalization and Asian Aesthetics and Arts. He has offered conferences in many Universities across the Americas, Europe and Asia, and has also led workshops and courses in many countries. He managed “spiritual emergency refuges” where “psychotics” would go through the natural self-healing process in which they unwillingly embarked, and has been an ecological activist. He is a member of the Board of the International Transpersonal Association; among his works on this subject, most recent and best known is the four-volume work The Beyond Mind Papers: Transpersonal and Metatranspersonal Theory (Blue Dolphin, Nevada City, CA, 2013). His most recent book is Chamanismo y Dzogchen (Barcelona, La Llave, 2019).
Extensive Information About the Book
THE SOURCE OF DANGER IS FEAR Paradoxes of the Realm of Delusion and Instructions for the Practice of the Dzogchen Upadesha
The book starts with an extensive 40-page introduction, treating subjects central to the Dzogchen Teachings. Then it continues to describe knots and give instructions on Time, Pleasure and Pain, Boredom, Desire, ‘Fear, Insecurity, Suffering and Refuge’, Tension, Contemplation and Uptight Mindfulness, Meaning, Purification, etc. (For a full list, see the table of contents below.)
Here are some comments by Elías on the origin and contents of the book and how it was approved by Rinpoche, a text from the cover of the book that gives more background, and the complete table of contents.
Elías about the book:
This is a book that describes the knots in which we tie ourselves up, creating tensions, anguish and suffering—yet it also shows how the knot may untie itself if we perform a simple action, comparable to pulling the end thread of a lace. In fact, it describes the knots in which I tied myself and the instructions that came to my mind when I was practicing in intense retreats in the Yölmo area in Nepal and up the mountain from there.
When I lost that book, I asked a girl who is British and who had a copy to send it to me. I was surprised when I received it from the hands of ChNN. I used the auspicious coincidence to ask him whether he had found any errors in what he read, and he said “NO”. Then I asked him for permission to publish it through the publishers of the DzC in Spanish, which at the time was “Editorial Reflejos”, and he said “yes”. But then when I began to distribute it, ChNN wrote to me saying I could not distribute it that way, and that I could only give it to those who have previously received that teaching from me.
(If you have attended a course about the book, you can e-mail to order it. We currently only send the book to addresses in Europe, but write anyway so we can keep you informed about future possibilities.)
From the cover:
Elias Capriles studied Dzogchen with some of the greatest lamas of the twentieth century and, after receiving specific Trekchod instructions from Khyabjés Thinley Norbu and Dudjom Yeshe Dorje, did repeated three-months Nyingthik retreats in hermitages and caves in the higher Himalayan range. In 1978 he attended the teachings of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in Boudhanath and forged a relationship with the Master, who on Elias’ invitation visited Venezuela in 1986 and founded the Dzogchen Community there.
Elías received nearly all available Buddhist Dzogchen transmissions from some of the top Masters of the last century, including Kyabjés Dudjom Yeshe Dorje, Dilgo Khyentse, Dodrub Chen, Chatral Sangye Dorje and Padma Norbu, as well as Dzogchen teachings from the first three of the above Masters and personal help from Chatral Sangye Dorje.
During his intensive Trekchod practice in his repeated three-months retreats, in his practice Elías met different apparent knots whereby saṃsāra and the ensuing suffering maintain themselves. This book describes those knots—which it calls “laces˝ because they can be undone by means of a most simple action—followed by the instructions that came to Elías’ mind for resolving them, and with the help of which they spontaneously resolved themselves.
INTRODUCTION 7 History of the Book 9 Structure of the Dzogchen Path 10 The Base, its Three Aspects and the Three Modes of Manifestation of Energy 13 The Kāyas as Stages of the Path 24 The Energy Volume Determining the Scope of Awareness 29 Inner Ngöndro, Rushen and Chod 35 Three Types of Avidyā and Three Types of Thought 40 Structure of the Book as it Stands Now 48 The Title of This Book 51 Words in Parentheses 52 Acknowledgements 53
September 11 till 16, 2021 with SMS Instructor Elías Capriles
Including September 11, 19:00 CEST Public Talk: The Three Phrases of Guru Garab Dorje’s Testament
Both the retreat and public talk will be broadcasted via Zoom. Translation to Italian and Spanish is also possible if it is required. The public talk is open for everyone, while to follow the retreat you need to have Direct Introduction.
For a description of the contents of the retreat and a biography of the teacher, please see below.
Location: Rangdrolling (Nemoland, Overbrakerpad 2, 1014 AZ Amsterdam)
Price public talk: non-Members 10€ Price retreat Zoom Members: 20€ per day / 80€ for entire course Price retreat Zoom non Members: 25€ per day / 100€ for entire course Price retreat Onsite sustaining: 20€ per day / 80€ for entire course Price retreat Onsite ordinary: 30€ per day / 120€ for entire course
Payment Bank details: IBAN: NL72 INGB 0006 0658 80 BIC: INGBNL2A In name of: Int. Dzogchen Community of Rangdrolling with mention Retreat or Public talk
No one will be turned away for lack of funds, in this case please contact us: You can also reach us in the e-mail above, if you have any question.
Schedule Sat, 11th September First Session 15:00-17:00 Sat, 11th September Public Talk 19:00-21:00 Sun, 12th September– Thursday 16th September 10:00-12:00 and 15:00-17:00
11th. September 19:00 Public talk: The Three Phrases of Guru Garab Dorje’s Testament
Guru Garab Dorje was the Master who introduced Buddhist Dzogchen to our human world. In this lecture, Elías will explain the deep meaning of the three phrases of the testament of Guru Garab Dorje: (1) Direct Introduction; (2) to obtain a decisive certainty; (3) to continue in the state of rigpa.
(1) Direct Introduction means having an initial glimpse of rigpa, which is the nonconceptual, nondual Knowledge (of) the true condition of reality, in a state of instant, immediate, nondual Presence. (2) “To obtain a decisive certainty.” According to Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, this phrase has been inaccurately translated as “to decide upon this single point.” This is a mistranslation because when one decides, it is the conceptual, dualistic mind that decides, and thus this decision is delusive. So Rinpoche translates it as “Not to remain in doubt” (as to the fact that one had a glimpse of rigpa and that rigpa is the knowledge of the true condition of all reality)—because rigpa cannot be remembered reflexively, as ordinary, conceptual, dualistic memories are remembered. Paltrul Rinpoche noted that it also imperative “to gain confidence on self-liberation,” for we need to be certain that, when we look at a thought after Direct Introduction, it will self-liberate. (3) The last phrase refers to the main practice of Dzogchen, which consists in continuing in the state of rigpa to which one was Introduced.
Therefore, the three phrases of Garab Dorje’s testament are the summary of the whole practice of Dzogchen.
11th-16th September Retreat onSemdzins, Secret Rushens and Contemplation With the Emphasis on Kadag
This retreat will be focused mainly on practicing Semdzins, Secret Rushens and Contemplation with the emphasis on kadag. With the Semdzins and Secret Rushens we have a possibility of discovering rigpa, or returning to the state of rigpa if we have already had glimpses of it. That practice should help us be certain about our own discovery of rigpa and the fact that this condition is the true condition of ourselves and all reality (i.e., it will serve for “Not remaining in doubt,” which is how Chögyal Namkhai Norbu glossed the second phrase of Guru Garab Dorje’s testament). At the same time, the best way to become familiar with the self-liberation of thought in Dzogchen Katak Contemplation and to develop confidence on it (which is how Paltrul Rinpoche glossed the second phrase of Guru Garab dorje’s testament), is by nakedly and barely looking at the stuff and essence of the thoughts that arise immediately after having had a glimpse of rigpa. Once, (through the practices of Semdzin, Rushen, the Seventh Lojong, Khorwa Yedal and other introductory practices), we have given ourselves direct introduction, we have gone beyond doubt and we have developed confidence that thoughts liberate spontaneously upon looking at their stuff and essence, (barely and nakedly), then we can receive teachings on Trekchod to continue in the state of rigpa without deviating into samsara. And when we have developed enough confidence in spontaneous liberation in intense situations, we can then receive Thögal instructions and devote ourselves to that practice. Finally, there will be advice to the sangha, including an explanation of the principles of Contemplation with the emphasis on lhundrub.
Elías`s BIO
Elías Capriles is a Santi Maha Sangha Teacher appointed by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, whom he met in 1978 in Boudhanath. He practiced Dzogchen in successive strict 3 months retreats on the Himalayas between 1977 and the end of 1982, after receiving Trekchö (Khregs chod) instructions from H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche and Dungse Thinle Norbu Rinpoche. He also received teachings and transmissions from H.H. Dilgo Khyentse, Dodrub Chen Rinpoche, Chatral Rinpoche and Pema Norbu Rinpoche. As a whole, he has had twenty books published, as well as five Internet books, over forty academic papers and twelve book chapters, dealing with Dzogchen and Tibetan Buddhism; transpersonal psychology; ontology; philosophy of history; aesthetics; political philosophy; epistemology; sociology; axiology, etc. Various of these are on Buddhism and Dzogchen (including a poetry work) and Buddhist philosophy (it is relevant to mention an as yet unachieved work called Buddhism and Dzogchen — Vol. I: Buddhism that is freely available on the Web). He is retired from the Chair of Eastern Studies and the Center for Studies on Africa and Asia the University of The Andes, Mérida, Venezuela, where he taught Philosophy, Buddhism, Asian Religions, Globalization and Asian Aesthetics and Arts. He has offered conferences in many Universities across the Americas, Europe and Asia, and has also led workshops and courses in many countries. He managed “spiritual emergency refuges” where “psychotics” would go through the natural self-healing process in which they unwillingly embarked, and has been an ecological activist. He is a member of the Board of the International Transpersonal Association; among shis
works on this subject, most recent and best known is the four-volume work The Beyond Mind Papers: Transpersonal and Metatranspersonal Theory (Blue Dolphin, Nevada City, CA, 2013). His most recent book is Chamanismo y Dzogchen (Barcelona, La Llave, 2019).
We warmly invite you to a Green Tara and Vajra Dance Practice Weekend on February 8 and 9 in Amsterdam.
During the weekend we will combine sitting practice of Green Tara with Vajra Dance. Sunday we end the weekend with a Full Moon Ganapuja with Vajra Dance.
Below you will find a detailed program and all other info. We welcome you in Amsterdam!
Please register by e-mail to
The weekend is guided by Natalia Gershevskaya and Maarten Schoon, and organised in cooperation with Rangdrolling.
Saturday February 8
10:00 Opening, 9 breathings, purification mantra, Guruyoga with 3 A, Vajra Dance of the 12 A
10.45 Green Tara Practice with Twenty-One Praises
11.45 Vajra Dance That Benefits Beings
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch Break
15:00 Green Tara Practice
16:00 Vajra Dance Thun
Sunday February 9
10:00 Opening, 9 breathings, purification mantra, Guruyoga with 3 A, Vajra Dance of the 12 A
10.45 Green Tara Practice with Twenty-One Praises
11.45 Vajra Dance That Benefits Beings
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch Break
15:00 Green Tara Practice and Vajra Dance That Benefits Beings
16:00 Closing the weekend with a Full Moon Ganapuja with Vajra Dance
Broedplaats HW10, Studio 14
Address: Hendrik van Wijnstraat 10, 1065 AS, Amsterdam
Nearby train station Amsterdam Lelylaan, and tram stop Johan Huizingalaan
Free donation following the principle of generosity according to Rinpoche.
Suggested donations: 40 euro for ordinary members; and 30 euro for sustaining members.
We encourage those who are able, to give more. But financial reasons should never be a reason not to join.
Based on the stable interest in public Yantra Yoga classes even during these Summer months, July and August, we continue public YY classes in September and October! Huray!!
Everybody’s welcome!
Yantra Yoga classes are open for people of any skills level and age.
The classes will take place on Sunday at 16:00 till 17:20.
Adress of the yoga studio:
Svaha Yoga – Downtown Studio Begijnensteeg 1
1012 PN Amsterdam
-Dzogchen community members EUR 5,-
-non-members EUR 9,-
We are happy to invite you to the retreat Mandarava Long-life Practice, Chüdlen and Tsalungs in 23rd – 27th October 2019 with Nina Robinson at Rangdrolling, Amsterdam.
During the retreat we’ll try to learn something about all the different aspects of this practice: its meaning and benefits, the symbolism of the mandala, the melodies, mudras and use of ritual instruments.
We’ll also practice the Sogtig breathing for the Chudlen practice and, if time, some Tsalungs as taught by Rinpoche in the 2018 Mandarava Drubchen retreat in Dzamling Gar, Tenerife.
We’ll start the retreat at 6.30 in the evening of 23rd October 2019 with a Ganapuja of Mandarava.
On the following days there will be explanations and practice 10 – 12 am and 3.30 – 5.15 pm, leaving space in the evening for Yantra Yoga and/or Dance of Vajra, or Khaita. Sessions will be more or less 2 hours
The Mandarava Long-life, chüdlen and tsalung practices come from the Longsal Teachings of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu.
They belong to the Upadesha series of Dzogchen.
The following are words of Rinpoche extracted from various teachings.
“The Tibetan word for Upadesha is Men-ngag. Ngag means voice; men is the negative. That means these teachings should be kept secret; when practitioners receive these teachings they shouldn’t talk about them everywhere and use them everywhere; they should keep them secret.”
“The practice of Mandarava is a path for having total realization and also, relatively, for having a longer life and prosperity. But the main point is to attain realization of the state of Mandarava.
“Another characteristic of Men-ngag methods is that they are more effective and lead to quicker realization. Of course you need a concrete base for that. If you have that base, when you receive the teaching and do the practice in the correct way you can have quicker realization.”
“The Tsalungs are specific methods ….. for applying how to integrate into a state of contemplation through channels and chakras.”
“In the Dzogchen teachings it is considered important to at least do the most simple form of Chüdlen because it is a great help in the development of clarity.”
Nina Robinson was born in England in February 1937. She has done many different kinds of work, including raising a family, making ceramics and teaching it. After briefly following various Buddhist teachers she met Chögyal Namkhai Norbu and attended the teachings he gave in June 1980 in a camping retreat he gave in northern Italy. She was very fortunately able to follow many of his teaching and practice retreats from that time until the present day. She moved to Italy in 1986 and has lived near Merigar since then. She was secretary of Merigar for 7 years. She has also helped in transcribing, translating and editing many books of Shang Shung Editions.
Since 2002 she has been invited to lead retreats in many parts of the world.
Diet Advice just in case you want it
The diet Rinpoche recommended for those wishing to do strict Chudlen practice:
well-cooked grains such as wholegrain rice, barley, oats (no wheat); raw butter; honey; a little ripe fruit and cooked vegetables – all in small quantities and nothing after 6 o’clock in the evening.
Second level: those who need it can also eat some beans; fish; yogurt (only in the first half of the day) and cornflakes and milk in the evening.
Third level can add some cheese, fish and chicken etc.
People who have a lung imbalance will need more substantial food.
Drinks: good boiled water, some fruit juice, roasted barley drink, some herbal teas. Those who cannot give up tea and coffee should drink it very weak and not often.
Rinpoche said you should not smoke anything while you are doing Chüdlen. He says that if you normally smoke you should stop for the whole time you are doing Chüdlen retreat.
Of course you shouldn’t use any kinds of heavy drugs or alcohol.
Location: Rangdrolling (Overbrakerpad 2, 1014 AZ Amsterdam) Registration via email: IBAN: NL72INGB0006065880 with mention Mandarava retreat Price: Sustaining € 95 -; Ordinary € 130 – ; Non-Members € 145 – Early Bird Price: Sustaining € 80 -; Ordinary € 110 – (before October, 1)
*in case of financial troubles please contact
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