Yantra Yoga | New space | Open classes

We have exciting news to share!

Next July and August we will try out running Yantra Yoga classes at a yoga studio in the very city center, hidden in one of the oldest and most historic alleyways of Amsterdam.
The space is large and shoe-free, which is ideal for breathing. There is shower available, all the props, tea.

The classes will take place on Sunday at 16:00 till 17:30.

-Dzogchen community members EUR 5,-
-non-members EUR 9,-

Everybody’s welcome!
Yantra Yoga classes are open for people of any skills level and age.

Some basic info can be found here: yantrayoga-amsterdam.tilda.ws
For contact please use yantrayoga@dzogchen.nl

Adress of the yoga studio:
Svaha Yoga – Downtown Studio
Begijnensteeg 1
1012 PN Amsterdam

E-mail: yantrayoga@dzogchen.nl
Phone: +31 (0) 633 17 95 32

19 July | Public Talk | Meditation and Mindfulness, working with emotions.

The base for overcoming frustration and suffering is the application of presence and mindfulness. By becoming aware of what is happening in our mind and heart we quit being victims and discover new ways of dealing with reality.
Working with disturbing emotions and thoughts can be done in various ways. In Buddhism exist three main currents which approach emotions in very different ways.
There are the methods of renunciation based on the Sutra teachings, the path of transformation according to the tantric method and finally the Dzogchen approach of spontaneous liberation.

Jakob Winkler’s BIO:

Jakob Winkler studies and practices Tibetan Buddhism since the mid-eighties. He met Chogyal Namkhai Norbu in 1989. Jakob holds an MA in Tibetology, Indian art history and social anthropology, which he studied in Munich – his hometown – and Vienna. He works mainly as an author, editor and proofreader for Buddhist publications, instructor within Dzogchen Community and acts as interpreter for Buddhist teachings. He is one of the few Western experts of Dzogchen and has contributed fundamental research to the understanding of Lhasa’s Lukhang temple, being the first Western scholar to identify Pema Lingpa’s treasure texts as the source for its murals. Today he lives in Bonn, Germany.

Time: 19 July 19:00
Rangdrolling (Overbrakerpad 2, 1014 AZ Amsterdam)
Registration (optional) via email: info@rangdrolling.nl
IBAN: NL72INGB0006065880 with mention Public Talk 19
Price: € 10-
*in case of financial troubles please contact  info@rangdrolling.nl

July, 20-21| Purification of Six Loka | Weekend retreat with Jakob Winkler

We are delighted to invite you to a Practice Weekend Retreat “Purification of Six Loka – Working with our emotions from a Dzogchen perspective” with Jakob Winkler on the 20-21th of July!

One of the main preliminary practice for entering the path of Dzogchen Upadesha for dealing with our passions is the purification of the Six Loka, the inner separation (rushen) of Samsara & Nirvana.

Through the power of the three Vajras combined with visualization, mantra and contemplation we purify the karmic seeds which create the samsaric suffering and hinder our recognition of the primordial enlightened state.

This practice is easy to apply and very suitable for practicing it together. We going to study the background of it and learn different ways of applying it.

Chögyal Namkhai Norbu writes in „The Precious Vase“

“The separation of Samsara and Nirvana.

Being conditioned by the delusive appearances of the mind and by thoughts without having any control over them constitutes the karmic vision of samsara. Abiding in the state of pure instant presence or Rigpa constitutes nirvana. Consequently, the purpose of these two special methods of separation, in their turn subdivided in outer, inner and secret separation, is to enable the practitioner to distinguish or separate the state of the mind that is the source of samsara from the state of Rigpa that is the root of liberation of nirvana.”

Jakob Winkler’s BIO:

Jakob Winkler studies and practices Tibetan Buddhism since the mid-eighties. He met Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in 1989. In 2002 he was authorized by him to teach the study and practice program of the base of „Santi Maha Sangha“ and in 2008 the 1st level. Jakob holds an MA in Tibetology, Indian art history and social anthropology, which he studied in Munich – his hometown – and Vienna. He works mainly as an author, editor and proofreader for Buddhist publications, instructor for Santi Maha Sangha and acts as interpreter for Buddhist teachings. Today he lives in Bonn, Germany.

Saturday, 20 July

10.00 – 13.00
15.00 -18.00

Sunday, 21 July

10.00 – 13.00
15.00 -17.00

Location: Rangdrolling (Overbrakerpad 2, 1014 AZ Amsterdam)
Registration via email: info@rangdrolling.nl
IBAN: NL72INGB0006065880 with mention 6 loka Retreat
Price: sustaining € 50.-  ; ordinary € 80.-
*in case of financial toubles please contact  info@rangdrolling.nl

Vajra Dans beginnerscursus 2019

Meditatie in beweging: De Vajra Dans voor het welzijn van alle wezens

met Stoffelina Verdonk

Deze beginnerscursus is de ideale mogelijkheid om deze bijzondere meditatie-oefening te leren. De cursus is ook geschikt voor dansers die hun dans willen opfrissen of verfijnen.

Ervaring met dans is niet vereist.

We leren de Vajra Dans voor het welzijn van alle wezens. Zie de video onderaan deze pagina.

De Vajra Dans is een meditatie-oefening met geluid en beweging. De dans is een methode om onze energie te harmoniseren, en de drie aspecten van ons wezen: lichaam, stem en geest, te integreren in een staat van meditatie of contemplatie.

De Vajra Dans wordt op een grote, vijf-kleurige Mandala beoefend, die de overeenkomst representeert tussen de innerlijke individuele dimensie en de uiterlijke wereld-dimensie.

Het geluid van sacrale klanken (mantra’s) die terug te vinden zijn in de oorspronkelijke teksten van het Dzogchen onderricht, coördineert de bewegingen. Bij speciale gelegenheden kunnen de dansers originele, veelkleurige Vajra Dans kostuums dragen.

De Vajra Dans is een onderdeel van het Dzogchen onderricht, dat wordt gegeven door de wereldwijd bekende Dzogchen meester Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. Sinds 1991 heeft Chögyal Namkhai Norbu vijf verschillende Vajra Dansen onderwezen, die los van elkaar of gecombineerd kunnen worden beoefend.

Om de Dans van de Vajra te leren is het noodzakelijk een cursus te volgen met een gekwalificeerde instructeur van de Internationale Dzogchen Gemeenschap. Beoefenaars kunnen daarna op mandala’s over de hele wereld dansen.

Sinds 2011 is de Vajra Dans verbonden met de CID, de Internationale Dans Raad, die in 1973 door UNESCO werd opgericht.

Stoffelina Verdonk

Stoffelina is een van de meest ervaren Vajra Dans instructrices ter wereld. Ze danst al vanaf haar jeugd en is gediplomeerd moderne danser en lerares moderne dans.
Vanaf 1990 heeft zij de Vajra Dans geleerd en gedanst met Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. In 1993 is zij door hem geautoriseerd als Vajra Dans instructrice. Daarna heeft ze samengewerkt om de Vajra Dans te onderwijzen, te dansen en te presenteren op vele plaatsen binnen en buiten de International Dzogchen Community.

Stoffelina: “De beoefening van Vajra Dans is zeer nuttig om te ontspannen en om opmerkzaamheid te ontwikkelen. De dans helpt te ervaren hoe we kunnen ontspannen in ons lichaam, stem en geest, met al onze beperkingen en capaciteiten; en het geluk te ervaren van samen bewegen, in goede omstandigheden, maar ook in meer complexe, of moeilijke momenten in ons leven. Dat allemaal geeft ons de mogelijkheid om onze werkelijke natuur te ontdekken.”

In 2015 werd ze door Chögyal Namkhai Norbu geautoriseerd als Santi Maha Sangha instructrice, en is ze begonnen introducties tot meditatie en geleide meditatie retraites te geven binnen en buiten de Dzogchen Community.


Broedplaats HW10
Adres: Hendrik van Wijnstraat 10, Amsterdam
dichtbij treinstation Amsterdam Lelylaan

Tijdenschema (voorlopig, kleine wijzigingen zijn mogelijk)

  • Vrijdag 13 september 2019: 13:00 – 17.00 uur.
  • Zaterdag 14 september 2019: 10.00 – 13.00 uur en 15.00 – 18.00 uur.
  • Zondag 15 september 2019: 10.00 – 13.00 uur en 15:00 – 18.00 uur.


Voor de hele cursus vragen wij een donatie van 120 euro.
Korting: ordinary members van Dzogchen Community vragen wij een donatie van 100 euro.
Korting: sustaining members van Dzogchen Community vragen wij een donatie van 65 euro.
Indien je financiële problemen hebt, maar toch mee wilt doen, neem contact met ons op via info@rangdrolling.nl

Aanmelding of vragen

Let op: er is beperkt ruimte in de cursus!
Stuur uw registratie of vragen naar info@rangdrolling.nl

Video van deVajra Dans voor het welzijn van alle wezens

Practice Retreat of Pranayama with Zoltan Cser May,31-June,3

We are delighted to invite you to a Practice Retreat of Pranayama with Zoltan Cser on the 31st of May to 3rd of June.
The main focus will be on Harmonious breathing and developing Kumbhaka for Tsa Lung practices. We will get explanations according to Yantra book of how these practices effect the different kinds of Pranas that flow through the channels and how this effects our body and mind. We will work with the Pranas and the channels (tsa, lung, thigle), doing pranayamas The Four Characteristic Conditions, The Four Profound Applications, and The Secret Breathing for directing Prana into the Central chanel, practicing the three preliminaries: Loosening the joints, Purifying the Prana, Controlling the Channels.

Zoltan’s BIO:

Zoltan “Zoli” Czer lives in Hungary, works as a director in the Dharmagate Buddhist College in Budapest.
He started practicing Chan in 1986, met Chogyal Namkhai Norbu in 2002 and has been the member of the International Dzogchen Community since 2004. Since 2013 he is the 2nd level Vajra Dance instructor, since 2015 – SMS Base instructor and since 2016 – 2nd level Yantra Yoga instructor.

Friday 31 May
9.00 Yantra Yoga
10.00 – 13.00
15.00 – 18.00

Saturday 1 June
9.00 Yantra Yoga
10.00 – 13.00
15.00 – 18.00

Sunday 2 June
9.00 Yantra Yoga
10.00 – 13.00

|Sunday 2 June afternoon public talk, presentation YY & VD|

Monday 3 June
9.00 Yantra Yoga
10.00 – 13.00
15.00 – 18.00

Location: Rangdrolling (Overbrakerpad 2, 1014 AZ Amsterdam)
Registration via email: info@rangdrolling.nl
IBAN: NL72INGB0006065880 with mention Pranayama Retreat
Price: sustaining € 95.-  ; ordinary € 130.-
Early bird price: sustaining € 80.-  ; ordinary € 110.- (before 1st of May)
*in case of financial toubles please contact  info@rangdrolling.nl

*Public talk is not a part of the retreat program. It will be a part of the program of the “Tantra Roots Festival” held in the “Centrum voor happiness” (HW10), Hendrik van Wijnstraat, 10. Everybody is welcome to join.

Sangha Retreat

This year we were invited to the first ever IDC Annual Sangha Retreat in Dzamling Gar. You can read about it here: melong.com/idc-annual-sangha-retreat-asr/
It is a beautiful opportunity for collective practice and we want to support this event locally.

In case the event is webcasted we can join from the Ling.

We are very delight to invite you to the Sangha Retreat at Rangdrolling on March 30, 31. Same idea: we will practice together celebrating the fact that we have each other as a community, connected through the transmission, sharing knowledge and experience.
Anyone who can join is very welcome, either one day or a specific session:


Saturday, March, 30

09.45 – Dance of 12 A

10.00 – 11.15 Complete breathing exercises and basic Yantra Yoga (three preliminaries), rhythmic breathing in preparations of Sog Thig and Tsa Lung.

11.30 -12.30 Guru Yoga of White A

12.30 – Dance of 12 A


14.30 – Purification of Six Lokas

16.30 -Green Tara

19.00 – Medium Ganapuja with an invocation of Ekajati (protector of Dzogchen)


Sunday, March, 31

09.45  – Dance of 12 A

10.00 – 11.15 Complete breathing exercises and basic Yantra Yoga (three preliminaries), rhythmic breathing in preparations of Sog Thig and Tsa Lung.

11.30 -12.30 Guru Yoga of White A

12.30 – Dance of 12 A


14.30 – Purification of Six Lokas

16.00 – Mandarava with Tsalung


Rangdrolling (Overbrakerpad 2, 1014 AZ Amsterdam)


Free. Donations are highly appreciated.

If you have any questions and/or suggestions, want to offer your help in leading some practices please contact us on info@dzogchen.nl or call us +31 (0)633179532

Hope to see you at Rangdrolling!

Vajra Dance Weekend January 11-13 in Amsterdam

with Stoffelina Verdonk

Rangdrolling Amsterdam is very happy to announce the next Vajra Dance of The Song of the Vajra weekend in our series, specially suitable for refreshing and learning this Dance. It is the fourth weekend and we are focusing on completing the Dance. We will refresh what we have learned before and continue from Sirnasirna.

A special element of this course is its focus on learning the correct rhythm and way of singing of the Song of the Vajra. Those who are not learning the Dance now, are welcome to join and learn!

About this course Stoffelina writes:
In this course the Pamo are learning the steps, while the Pawo or others who are present, sing the natural sound of the Song of the Vajra. They can experience how to be present in the correct timing with the syllables and melody, while they sing. Then the Pawo start learning the steps and the Pamo sing etc.

All sounds of The Song of the Vajra present a source for contemplation. We learn how to sing perfect way in timing, offering our presence, dancers and singers, relaxing in contemplation All together.

It is a perfect practice, also a Semdzin, in which we can discover how this singing and dancing is influencing our dance, our own dance, and how it can bring us in the state of contemplation; and how the sound helps us to embody the dance, harmonising Pamo and Pawo present on the mandala.

Knowing the precise timing and way of singing is presented since long time by Rinpoche, also by Adriano Clemente. In Vajra Dance, especially for those who know longer the dance, timing is important. This is a very joyful way to dance AND sing together.

All Be most welcome!!!

About Stoffelina Verdonk
Stoffelina is a certified performer and teacher of modern dance. She met Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in 1986. Since then she practices his teaching and collaborates within the Dzogchen Community. She became a second level Vajra Dance instructor in 1993, travelling to teach and practice Vajra Dance in and outside the International Dzogchen Community; and she is a very inspired and experienced Vajra Dance teacher. In 2015 she was authorised as Santi Maha Sangha and Khaita instructor by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu.

For a fuller biography see: http://vajradance.net/stoffelina-verdonk/

Place and Time
Location: Studio 14, Broedplaats HW10
Address: Hendrik van Wijnstraat 10, Amsterdam.

Time Schedule (provisional):
Friday January 11: 13:00 – 17:30
Saturday January 12: 10:00 – 13:00 and 15:00 – 18:00
Sunday January 13: 10:00 – 13:00 and 15:00 – 18:00

Requested donation for the whole weekend is 100 euro.

If you have financial limitations, this should not be a reason not to participate. Please contact us in this case.

Payment details:
Paypal: info@dzogchen.nl

Account number IBAN: NL72 INGB 0006 0658 80
In name of: Int. Dzogchen Gemeenschap van Rangdrolling
Reference message: Vajra Dance Weekend

If you have any questions and/or want to register, please contact us on info@dzogchen.nl

Hope to see you on the Mandala!

Master Namkhai Norbu Awarded the Honor of Commander

Master Namkhai Norbu Receives the Honor of Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic.

On 10 September 2018, in the Arcidosso Town Hall, the Prefect of Grosseto, Cinzia Teresa Torraco, conferred the honor of ‘Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic’ on Prof. Namkhai Norbu, for having dedicated his life to activities that have brought benefits to the community and the nation.

In thanking Master Namkhai Norbu, who inspires an exemplary model of life and represents for all a living testimony of the highest human values, both ethical and cultural, the Prefect recalled the importance of honoring charismatic figures such as his, capable of inspiring virtuous actions and behavior with the strength of their example and with the values ​​of an authentic testimony expressed by life choices fully coherent with the thoughts of a noble and elevated nature.

During the ceremony the Prefect underlined the fact that in view of the very high profile of his personality, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers had decided to directly confer recognition of the honorary title ‘Commander’, the highest honorary award of the Italian Republic.

The ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Arcidosso, Jacopo Marini, and the President of the Regional Council, Eugenio Giani, in addition to the territorial authorities, the Mayor of Castel del Piano, Claudio Franci, the Mayor of Santa Fiora, Federico Balocchi, and the Prefect, Marco Valentini, director of the legislative affairs office and parliamentary reports of the Ministry of the Interior.

Prefect Cinzia Torraco, expressing her confidence that Master Namkhai Norbu’s message of peace and brotherhood would be auspicious for different and better future prospects with the hope of continuing his teaching activity, conferred on Master Namkhai Norbu the honor:

master namkhai norbu commander

The President of the Republic

in consideration of particular merits on the proposal of the President of the Council of Ministers, after hearing the Council of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic on 2 June 2018, confers the honor of Commander on Master Norbu Namkhai with the right to wear the related insignia.

Signed: Mattarella

At the end of the ceremony the Mayor of Arcidosso presented a banner to the Master to recall the importance of the Community of Merigar for the territory, while the President of the Council of Tuscany presented a second banner from the Amiata Municipalities. and reaffirmed the value of the honor of Commander from the President of the Republic in recognizing the spiritual and human values that Master Namkhai Norbu has brought to Amiata, recalling the strong spiritual energy of the territory.

Vajra Dance of the Song of the Vajra Weekend

August 31, September 1&2 in Amsterdam with Stoffelina Verdonk

Rangdrolling Amsterdam is exited to announce the next Vajra Dance of The Song of the Vajra weekend in our series, specially suitable for refreshing and learning this Dance. It is the third weekend and we are starting the second half of the Dance. We will repeat what we have learned before and start from Sambharatha on.

A special element of this course is its focus on learning the correct rhythm and way of singing of the Song of the Vajra. Those who are not learning the Dance now, are welcome to join and learn!

About this course Stoffelina writes:
In this course the new Pamo are learning the steps, while the Pawo or others who are present, sing the natural sound of the Song of the Vajra. They can experience how to be present in the correct timing with the syllables and melody, while they sing. Then the new Pawo start learning the steps and the Pamo sing etc.

All sounds of The Song of the Vajra present a source for contemplation. We learn how to sing perfect way in timing, offering our presence, dancers and singers, relaxing in contemplation All together.

It is a perfect practice, also a Semdzin, in which we can discover how this singing and dancing is influencing our dance, our own dance, but also the dance in harmony of Pamo and Pawo present on the mandala.

Knowing the precise timing and way of singing is presented since long time by Rinpoche, also by Adriano Clemente. In Vajra Dance, especially for those who know longer the dance, timing is important. This is a very joyful way to dance AND sing together.

All Be most welcome!!!

About Stoffelina Verdonk 
Stoffelina is a certified performer and teacher of modern dance. She met Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in 1986. Since then she practices his teaching and collaborates within the Dzogchen Community. She became a second level Vajra Dance instructor in 1993, travelling to teach and practice Vajra Dance in and outside the International Dzogchen Community; and she is a very inspiring and experienced Vajra Dance teacher. In 2015 she was authorised as Santi Maha Sangha and Khaita instructor by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu.
For a fuller biography see: http://vajradance.net/stoffelinaverdonk/

Place and Time
Location: Studio 14, Broedplaats HW10
Address: Hendrik van Wijnstraat 10, Amsterdam.

Time Schedule (provisional):
Friday August 31: 13:30 – 17:00 and 19:00 – 21:00
Saturday September 1: 10:00 – 13:00 and 15:00 – 18:00
Sunday September 2: 10:00 – 13:00 and 15:00 – 17:00 (practice only)

Requested donation for the whole weekend is 100 euro.
If you have financial limitations, this should not be a reason not to participate. Please contact us in this case.

Payment details:
Paypal: info@dzogchen.nl

Account number IBAN: NL72 INGB 0006 0658 80
In name of: Int. Dzogchen Gemeenschap van Rangdrolling
Reference message: Vajra Dance Weekend

If you have any questions and/or want to register, please contact us on info@dzogchen.nl

Hope to see you on the Mandala!

Rangdrolling Vajra Dance Team