Yantra Yoga Fall Continuation

Based on the stable interest in public Yantra Yoga classes even during these Summer months, July and August, we continue public YY classes in September and October! Huray!!

Everybody’s welcome!
Yantra Yoga classes are open for people of any skills level and age.

The classes will take place on Sunday at 16:00 till 17:20.

Adress of the yoga studio:
Svaha Yoga – Downtown Studio
Begijnensteeg 1
1012 PN Amsterdam

-Dzogchen community members EUR 5,-
-non-members EUR 9,-

Some basic info can be found here: yantrayoga-amsterdam.tilda.ws
For contact please use yantrayoga@dzogchen.nl

E-mail: yantrayoga@dzogchen.nl
Phone: +31 (0) 633 17 95 32